A little bit of writing, a little bit of knitting...

Thursday, April 20, 2006


I had an insane morning this morning. Today we (at N&W.com) announced the stories that will be featured in our book. I was actually still making final decisions this morning -- just minutes before I sent out the announcement. Then I spent a few hours sending out contracts and fielding questions.

But then, after it was done, I allowed myself an actual lunch break. I figure I'll get to Tuesday's emails eventually...

Anyway, while I was on my lunch break (which I'm still on, actually), I actually allowed myself some knitting time. Just a few rounds on the sweater. Then I tried it on. I'm trying to figure out how long I should make it. Here it is with my last sweater:

I have to do an inch of ribbing before binding off, so I'd have to say that I'm just about there...

Yesterday, I had to run a few errands in the afternoon. While I was out, I decided to stop by Hobby Lobby. I'd been trying to restrain myself from starting another project until I get *something* done -- but I had to do it. Paul's hockey team was in the semi-finals last night, and I didn't have anything to work on. My sweater is in that critical stage where I need to try it on all the time. And there's no way I was going to try to work on lace while watching hockey. So I needed to buy yarn and start another baby sweater.

Of course, I was once again in a frantic state yesterday, working right up until the last minute. I threw my stuff in my bag, not realizing that I hadn't brought my gauge thingy. All of my tools were in another bag...at home. So much for starting that sweater. I almost started it anyway -- without doing a swatch -- but then I decided against it. Instead, I pulled out some work before the game started. Then I worked on a dishcloth during the game.

Incidentally, the game was also insane. Out. Of. Control. It ended in a tie, and no one scored in overtime, so it went into a shoot-out. It took something like 14 shooters until someone on the other team finally made the winning shot. So Paul's team lost -- but, as Paul said, it's hard to get really upset about it when the next season starts in a couple of weeks.

Tonight is the first time in ages that we don't have somewhere to be at night (well, besides the grocery store). So I might actually get to sit and knit for a while. Then again -- we'll probably end up back at Lowe's. After all, you can never get too much mulch.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dishcloths are perfect knitting for Sporting Events - the ground is often disgusting. I'm impressed that you had that many projects with you!

4:32 PM

Blogger kdk said...

LOL... Actually, I was amazed that I only had two with me. :)

I do love my dishcloths -- so nice and portable. I was thinking while I was working on it the other night that I need to get myself a purse that can carry all the stuff I usually carry in my tiny purse plus my planner and needles and dishcloth yarn. That would be perfect.

8:14 PM

Blogger Sourire11 said...

Your sweater is looking great!

And great idea about having a purse just big enough to carry one little project… I so need to get one of those instead of carrying my big messenger bag with me everywhere.

4:32 PM


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